Jack Feeny reviews: Deep Purple: "Given the length of time Deep Purple have been together it has become common practice to divide the band into three different, distinct entities. The three ages of Deep Purple, if you will. There was Deep Purple mk I, a somewhat unsuccessful sixties hippy band; Deep Purple mk II, an innovative and influential hard rock band; and Deep Purple mk III, a derivative and wholly uninteresting hard rock band. I'll give you four guesses to work out which era I've concentrated on. Yep, Deep Purple mk II, but then you knew that anyway, didn't you?"

Jack Feeny reviews: Deep Purple: "Given the length of time Deep Purple have been together it has become common practice to divide the band into three different, distinct entities. The three ages of Deep Purple, if you will. There was Deep Purple mk I, a somewhat unsuccessful sixties hippy band; Deep Purple mk II, an innovative and influential hard rock band; and Deep Purple mk III, a derivative and wholly uninteresting hard rock band. I'll give you four guesses to work out which era I've concentrated on. Yep, Deep Purple mk II, but then you knew that anyway, didn't you?"

Getfitnow.com Fitness and Health Forums: Is it really safe to do shoulders on days 2&5?:

"I'm doing the 14-day workout 2. When doing chest, triceps, biceps etc. on days 1&4 there is always going to be an amount of load on the shoulders, eg. when doing the bench press. I'm afraid my shoulders aren't getting any rest, as there is shoulder involvement 4 days a week. I know it's possible to partly isolate the chest muscle when doing the bench press, but I believe there is still some involvement of the shoulders"

The weird thing I saw in the past week:

In Hawaii, they have these little scooter cars with one rear wheel and two front wheels. They're red, and egg shaped, and have a little black rollbar. As I was waiting for the airport shuttle outside my hotel I saw one of these come whining up the street with two really big, sunburned American tourists hanging out of it. I wept because I didn't get a picture.

The other weird but cool thing was seeing 60+ surfers with long, graying hair, heading down to the beach, walking through the waves of tourists, carrying their boards.

Ask MetaFilter | Community Weblog

An interesting thread on grammar vs. editing. You may find it useful.

this is a bold sentence

Italics have nothing to do with Italy. Or do they

titles should be underlined or italicized

tag + body + closing tag

UVSC Online Writing Lab Resources: "The following handouts were created by the UVSC Writing Center and are available for all educational purposes (classroom instruction, tutoring, web links, etc.), as long as source information is given.

A link to APA style guides and other good handouts.

Hello class,

I hope that your weekends were productive and fun. No, really.

Currently your final draft of the current assignment is due this coming Friday. Some of you haven't posted your outlines and rough drafts to your weblogs, so be sure to do that as soon as possible. Also, I haven't seen much evidence of responses to each other's drafts, in part because not all of the drafts have been posted to your respective weblogs.

Please take advantage of this time to get as much writing done as possible