Here are some particulars about assignment #2:

Length of rough draft: 3-6 pages, double spaced
topic: a significant event in your life.

Please combine your freewrites if that works for you, or write fresh material. The catch with this assignment is that you need to write a second conclusion or analysis of your event that draws different conclusions.

Please bring in a paper copy and upload an electronic version, in class Friday, to webct (I am creating the space to do that right now).

email me if you have any questions:

Author Applies Tools of Linguistics to Mend Mother-Daughter Divide - New York Times: "By the early 1990's, Dr. Tannen was taking her ideas to a wider audience. Her overwhelmingly successful book 'You Just Don't Understand' focused on communication (or lack of it) between men and women. It was on best-seller lists from 1990 through 1994. Now, Dr. Tannen, a professor at Georgetown University, is back on the list with her just-released 'You're Wearing That? Understanding Mothers and Daughters in Conversation.' It appeared at No. 9 on the New York Times best-seller list on Sunday, within days of its publication."

Your #2 assignment, "A Significant Event that I'm Probably Making Up" is due on Friday--the rough draft that is. Bring an electronic and paper copy, 3-5 pages. The final draft will be due on Feb. 24th, a week later, and should be 5 pages long.

This post also has no real purpose, other than to push entries off the page.

This is a blank post whose sole purpose is to drive the other irrelevant posts off the bottom of the screen.