Young scholars,

I'm about four time zones away and so I'm a little late with posting instructions for today. Essentially, I need you to do two things today:

1. post the roughest of drafts of your current assignment to your weblog. Please try to get at least four pages up there. Please have those submitted by 5pm. You can try to build on the outlines and informal writing you've already put on your "blog" (short for "weblog")

2. Sometime before Monday, please respond to at least two papers, through using the weblog links on this page. Try to respond to someone you haven't read before. You might consider asking and answering the following questions:

a. What is the strongest, most interesting part of this draft, and why?
b. Sometimes rough drafts contain portions that look really interesting, but need more description and examples. For example, someone might write, "Ever since I was released from prison, my opinion of school metal detectors has changed." A sentence like this begs for examples of the author's new attitude, and for more background info on their prison time. Ok, lame example. Tell your author what you would like to hear more of.

3. What portions of this draft do you find less-than-clear or difficult to follow?

Thanks, and please post comments or email me: with your questions.