Dear class:
I am sick today, and my throat feels like I have been gargling Drano (tm). Please forgive my absence. (update: I managed to heroically make it to class) But wait! There are still some things you can do until we meet again on Friday. And here they are:
1. Post your latest draft of our third assignment to your weblog.
2. Go to the class webpage, and respond to the paper of the person whose name is linked with yours below. If there is no paper posted at that site, then go to the next person in line. I've put you in pairs below. You should respond in the comments section of the weblog.





John S.

Jon Hunt
Ben H.

Michael F.
Annie P.

Kirsten O.
Jennifer C.

Diego P.
Adam B.

Chris T.
J. Martin

3. How should you respond to each other's papers? Good question. I would like you to answer the following questions, in mind-numbing detail:
I. Your author has been asked to describe the same scene from both positive and negative angles of vision. Of the two descriptions, which one seems most accurate to you, and why? Include examples from the original text

II. What was the best part of this paper? What part didn't work? Include examples of each, with a justification for your choice.

III. What are the most useful points made in the conclusion? What else could be said in the conclusion that was overlooked?